
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How to install ioncube

Here's a quick guide which will tell you how to install IonCube loader using SHELL.

* Root Shell Access to your server.
* Download the loader suitable for your server from here: wget (
* Unpack the binary file by using this command tar -xvf ioncube_loaders.tar.gz (Change the ioncube_loaders.tar.gz to the file name appropriate for your server)
* After extracting it will create a folder called ioncube. Now use this command: cd ioncube
* Copy ioncube-install-assistant.php to a web directory by typing this command cp ioncube-install-assistant.php /home/userdirectoryhere/www
* Visit that file by going to
* Go back to where you extracted the ioncube folder by using cd..
* Now move the ioncube folder in a safe and permanent location by using command: mv ioncube /usr/local
* Now edit the php.ini file for example: nano /usr/local/lib/php.ini
* Look for [zend] by typing CTRL + W and typing [zend]
* Paste the following line under [zend], zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/
* Press CTRL + X, type Y and press Enter.
* Restart the server by typing: /etc/init.d/httpd restart
* Your installation is done.


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Greetings Friend! I am Linux scholar, trying to learn as much I can and share it with you. I am in mid of my Professional Career. Doing Good. :)
